All Episodes
089 - It's time! Make the end of this year the best four months of your life / biz
It's time to make the end of this year the best four months of your life and business. Join me in this short episode to connect to your vision and get clear on your bold action.
Tag me on IG with your bold...
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088 - Taxes are not scary - you can write off your life and make your money work for you - with Barbara Schreihans of @yourtaxcoach
Taxes are not scary. You can make them fun. You can write off your life and make your money work for you. Learn how in this episode with Barbara Schreihans of @yourtaxcoach.
If you're an entrepreneur (whether you're...
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087 - The 5 most important lessons I've learned from my business
If you run a purpose-based business, you know that it takes more than just perfecting a business strategy and showing up daily. It requires an elite level of personal mastery (or at least it feels that way). AND it is...
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086 - How to take action today (even if you're not totally clear)
It's time to put an end to the overthinking and take bold, aligned, sparkly action in your life. In this episode, I'll show you how...
You have a vision that you've been ruminating on. You ask yourself - "Is this the...
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085 - How to attract the right clients & get your business work in front of the right people.
You have an offer, a business, or an idea. It’s time to get your work in front of the right people (and enough of them to actually get paid + keep doing your wonderful work)!
In this podcast, I’ll help you knock...
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084 - How to connect with your local community as a small business owner (to make meaningful connections, meet clients, and feel more fulfilled)
Just because the world has gone more online, doesn't mean you can't still make impactful connections in your local community. I've formed tons of client relationships, landed event partnerships, and more simply by...
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083 - stressed? here are 3 simple ways to regulate your nervous system this week
You're an entrepreneur. You need a flexible and regulated nervous system in order to be the vessel for your best ideas to come through. It's too easy to get stressed and discouraged and to give up on your dreams. But...
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082 - How to PIVOT quickly so you can make more money and create more alignment in your life
Do you know you need to pivot and you're afraid of taking the leap? Or maybe you've been stuck in "the same" place for months and you're desiring a shift in your energy or your income?
This episode will teach exactly...
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081 - The lazy way to make more money [MINDSET HACK]
If you're working through the night, there is ALWAYS more to do, and your to-do list just keeps growing (but your bank account isn't)... this is for you. Introducing: The LAZY way to make more money. In this episode,...
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080 - 3 mistakes to avoid when investing in yourself
Thinking about investing in yourself or your business? You're not alone. Investing in education, hiring a coach, or joining a mastermind can be THE pivotal moment that changes your reality.
In this episode I'll be...
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079 - The 4-step checklist to make decisions + level up over and over again - solo Jam
Book your FREE call to join Exponential Alignment here: https://www.jadenhummel.com/ea
No more wallowing in mediocrity, doubting yourself, and watching other people live it up while you craft another vision board.
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078 - How to look amazing on Instagram and get clients from your content. THE Super-genius Marketing Episode - with Jenna Warriner
Are you feeling confused by the ever-changing and evolving abyss of SOCIAL MEDIA!? You want to make money online and yet you feel a deep desire to pull the covers over your head and lay in bed on a Tuesday...
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