035 - How To Set Multifaceted Goals For Long-Term Expansion

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Have you ever set big goals and felt confused about what to do once you hit them? Do you feel like your goals sometimes have an end?

One of the greatest ways to expand is to set multifaceted goals (explained in this episode) & one of the quickest ways to lose momentum is to do the opposite. 

In this episode, we explore the danger and significance of setting goals. How achieving goals can lead to a loss of motivation and creativity, if you’re not careful. And, how making goals multifaceted and envisioning the path beyond accomplishment will lead to long-term expansion. 

Key Points:

  • Goals should be multifaceted and have a trajectory beyond achievement.
  • Envisioning what can be done after achieving a goal adds energy and excitement.
  • Padding goals with additional aspirations ensures continued purpose and fulfillment.
  • Grounding goals in emotions and desires can help achieve them faster.
  • Being part of a community is ESSENTIAL
  • Pad your goals with the trajectory and desired feelings to keep expanding and creating growth.
  • Celebrate your accomplishments and continue striving for even bigger achievements.

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Follow Jaden on IG: www.instagram.com/jadenbhummel

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