064 - Why you need to say YES! The magic of activation

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When you say "YES" to a new future, your current reality changes immediately.

All of a sudden, you have something new to look forward to. You've activated a new part of yourself - excitement and curiosity. And you've claimed a new level.

Whether you're signing up for a course, planning a vacation, or buying a house -- the transformation begins when you say YES... which is often much sooner than you think.

I've been the CEO of multiple successful businesses and one thing I've learned is that nothing is that hard. But only some people are willing to take the action. And those who take the actions sooner are often the ones who are more successful.

It's time to apply these powerful concepts in your life.

Tune in to today's episode to activate your most abundant and alive future!

Key Points

  • Why activation begins with your "yes" + how to use that to propel you forward
  • Energy thrives on forward motion
  • Self-care and how it's intertwined with success
  • Action is *almost* always better than waiting
  • How to utilize high quality community to support your activation and expansion

Hey! Are you ready to heal your nervous system, expand your capacity for more abundance, and create a life that lights you up from the inside out?

👉 Start here with the [FREE] Alignment Upgrade: https://www.jadenhummel.com/upgrade

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🚀 Learn more & join Exponential Alignment: https://www.jadenhummel.com/ea

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